Robert B. LISEK QUANTUM ENIGMA is an installation, which utilizes radioactive materials such as Thorium for generating random numbers sequence that has a many applications as a great cryptographic key and source of random light and sound impulses. The existing computing machines don’t generate random sequences; the so called pseudo-generators of random numbers are periodic. […]

Google Badwords
Wayne Clements Google searches have a built-in autocomplete facility. If you enter a word, Google will offer search suggestions to save you time typing. Some words Google will not auto-complete. There is a list of these, compiled originally by Jamie Dubs. He published them here: It has been suggested that Google practises a form […]

Benjamin Grosser 2013 web browser extension ScareMail is a web browser extension that makes email “scary” in order to disrupt NSA surveillance. Extending Google’s Gmail, the work adds to every new email’s signature an algorithmically generated narrative containing a collection of probable NSA search terms. This “story” acts as a trap for NSA programs like […]

Do Americans Dream of Being Electric Sheep?
Gabin Cortez Chance A multi layered, and distorted Video dissecting and critiquing the United States NSA spying programs. Using an overload of visual information similar to the NSA meta data collection practices to tell a abstract narrative of a Orwellian magnitude. With the idea that some Science Fiction writers (Phillip K. Dick…etc) might have not […]

Harris David Harris Since 2005, many of Silicon Valley’s largest corporations – including Google, Facebook, and Apple – have operated private commuter shuttles between their corporate campuses in the South Bay and cities throughout the Bay Area. San Francisco alone is home to approximately 400 private shuttle stops that serve 35,000 passengers daily. Their impact […]

Wayne Clements ‘no.wiktionary’ has two aspects. It is a list of deleted words with user definitions from the deletion log of It is also a live check and print to screen of recent deleted words. It is intended as a sort of anti-dictionary of Norwegian. It is also a form of recycling. It re-uses […]

UKI – Enter The Bionet
a collective biogame. Shu Lea Cheang We are infected. We are the virus. We enter the BioNet. Sign on as UKI virus to play the game. Infiltrate the BioNet. Sabotage the Production. Your heartbeat, your blood flow, your emotion, your actions are your assets to join the UKI bio-game. HACK and PLAY. WIN or LOSE. […]

Davide Bevilacqua, Alberto Boem Ursuppe (“primordial soup” in German) is a project about the autonomous development of complex hybrid systems that functionally combine together unities of organic or inorganic material, organizing them in a network of communication and mutual influences. The research is focused on the disposal of a set of artificial elements in a […]

Echo 10-9
Robertina Šebjanič, Ales Hieng – Zergon Audiovisual performance with ferrofluids, nanofluids and analog synths Photo by Boštjan Lah (Kibla archive) The sound-video performance echo 10-9 takes place on the nano and micro level. With a clear analog esthetic it demonstrates the formal characteristics of materials, which are transformed on the spot, creating ambient a/v […]

Phase Space
Erin Sexton, 2014 Between ritual and experiment, phase space is an audio/visual performance wherein I search for emergent sonic phenomena, trans-physical resonance, and distortions in space-time. A feedback network of tactile electronics interfaces with the chemistry of electrolysis, using salt solutions as signal processors while transforming their molecular structure. Perception is expanded as a live […]

Thêta Fantomes
Floss+Art+Game – brain waves and frequencies battle APO33 Collective (Romain Paion, Amandine Néhou) Brain waves are very much subject to fantasy and imagination. Advances in science over the last 50 years have made it possible to read the number of hertz per minute produced by our different areas of the brain and their various modulations […]

The Temporary Archive of Ambiguous Architectures
Kelly Jaclynn Andres The Temporary Archive of Ambiguous Architecture (2012-2014), is a series of experiments with rapid prototyping techniques and living fungi. The first part of the archive system (Archive 1, math & mycelium) uses a modified rep rap printer that is programmed to print with agar and mycelium spores when it senses vibrations in […]