Malte Steiner, Wolfgang Spahn A media performance by Malte Steiner and Wolfgang Spahn, 2014 Industrial noise and digital sound processing meets multi space projections: “Embedded Artist” is a media performance by Malte Steiner and Wolfgang Spahn. The performance combines four different layers of visions that are merging into one visual Gesamtkunstwerk: 3D models, video scratching, […]

Kasia Justka \\no computer //pure electricity \\waves //analog Oscilating sounds into the images and other way around \\feedback //glitch \\ light Bio Kasia Justka Poland Berlin based multi media artist. Her work capitalises on her obsessions with the medium of electricity. Her art can be seen as invocations to the vast power inherent within […]

PiksteriaLab 2014
Contents Open BioElectronix and BioSonification Experimenting with Ion channel measurements of Chara clorella Bioelectronix, the merging of technology and living – the hacking together of hybrid systems has been one of our core interests and brought us together at Piksel already in 2009. During this sessions we’ll continue on various prototypes connecting plants to puredata, […]

APODIO workshop
Romain Papion APODIO is a free computer operating system towards artists and new designers, alternative to microsoft and apple, created in Nantes in the APO33 Lab. It is the new generation of a free and creative computer science. The new version 10 will be based on Xubuntu 14.04 LTS Real swiss-army-knife software for audio, video, […]

Robert B. LISEK Workshop poses fundamental questions concerning the working of human brain and randomness. It is intended for experienced users interested in practical use of randomness for creative purposes in visual arts, music and film. Nowadays, many procedures based on simulation of random processes lie at the basis of practical applications in banking, stock […]

Electrochemical Improvisation: experiments with electronics, sound, and crystallization
Erin Sexton Matter and energy are changing states continually, extending through multiple dimensions that we are just discovering how to perceive. By mixing solid-state electronics with fluid open systems we can explore emergent sonic phenomena, amplifying our experience of the everyday. This workshop will give a brief introduction to basic electrochemistry and crystallization, followed by […]

Markus Decker, Pamela Neuwirth, Franz Xaver Ghostradio is a physical mechanism that generates random numbers through chance. Cyber-culture has become problematic for our democratic societies. Instead of using digital technologies for social development, a panopticon powered by supercomputers has been created. Internet communication gets copied for content analysis by spy agencies and corporations. At the […]

DEL?No, wait!REW
Michaela Lakova DEL?No, wait!REW is an automatized system, which recovers files from hard drives without the consent or the knowledge of the previous owners, who presume their content has been forever deleted. DEL?No, wait!REW asks is it possible to delete information in the digital age?Whether our storage devices are locally present (hard drives) or dislocated […]

Ultrasonic Vision
Egil Paulsen Ultrasonic Vision (2013) is an interactive project consisting of a pair of goggles that allow users to navigate through space with the help of sonar technology. By replacing vision with tactile feedback, I investigate how perception of space can be felt rather than beheld. With the help of ultrasonic sensors, the goggles emit […]

Solar sculptures
Egil Paulsen Nature gives way to speciation depending on the building blocks it can offer. Only by the decades, enormous amounts of plastic, silicon and metals has been dug up, refined, and put into circulation. It has been said that we are the genitals of our technology. We exist only to improve next years model. […]

en Spesiell Gruppe Mobiler/ Special Mobile Group
Øyvind Mellbye en Spesiell Gruppe Mobiler/ Special Mobile Group (2012) Stone,wood, cellphones, shellac and watercolor on mdf / 40cm x 45 cm x 14cm Special Mobile Group consist of 8 cellphones arranged in a frame with watercolor painting on one side. The phones are set up in continuous dialogue. Sounds and ambience is picked up […]