The Dimensions of Space and the Art of Projection.
Ida Hiršenfelder
The space of video projections has the potential of becoming an endless universe in which three-dimensional exterior may be presented with two-dimensional or even three-dimentional interface. Understanding that the video formats are an ever-changing standard that follows the line of hi-res illusions of the mainstream, than the formats are merely something that determines and obscures our vision with cultural presuppositions. The importance of applying a wide range of programming languages, coding or magnifications when manipulating video images is not merely on the level of exploiting new formats, but also to decompose the cultural determinants of the interfaces. Projection has the potential to spread out into endless plains and folded landscapes that are in a constant process of relocating, composing, and folding. It may function as a medium of disintegration of predetermined formats and positions of viewing. Using video projection we may change any given surface into a dynamic video membrane. The lecture is based on curatorial work with Echo 10-9 project by Robertina Šebjanič and Ales Hieng – Zergon who explore the behavior of nano materials on the micro level.
Ida Hirsenfelder
Ida Hiršenfelder is an art critic and curator for media art. She collaborates with Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, Ljubljana. She co-created ČIPke initiative for women working in the field of technology, science and art, together with media artist Saša Spačal at Rampa Lab. Recently, she started to work at MG+MSUM Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova as a digital archivist for Network Museum online aggregator of contemporary art. After a decade of theoretic work she also started to build DIY noise gadgets in 2011 and perform with Theremidi Orchestra DIY sound art community. She also collaborates with Saša Spačal in media art installation Crust: Sonoseismic Landscape.