-An exploration of generative design through self-repeating algorithms
Anders Hoff
Inconvergent is a generative algorithms project. The project consists of nearly 10 different algorithms, and is a fusion of computer aided design, mathematics and art. Code is used to mimic and visualize various natural (or unnatural) phenomena. The initial challenge is to define a minimal set of local, simple and self-repeating rules that will result in something that resembles the original phenomena. As the rules are explored further, the result often diverge from the original goal, whilst the main characteristics remain. The algorithms are designed such that each execution yields a unique and intricate result, but all executions will be eerily similar. When the algorithm is restarted the previous result is lost, and will never be seen again. The subject of the presentation will be an in-depth introduction to one or two (or more?) of the algorithms in the context of a live demonstration. As well as a little background information about the inspiration and process. A brief introduction to the tools used will also be given.
Anders Hoff
Anders Hoff is a 27 years old programmer and autodidact generative artist. He was born in Nannestad, Norway, where he also grew up. As a child Anders was very inquisitive, and always interested in knowing “how things work”. As a result he went on to study applied mathematics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. During his studies he quickly got the taste for programming, modelling and visualization. He started experimenting with various generative algorithms whenever he could spare the time.
In 2012 he completed his MSc and moved to Oslo. He currently works as a consultant on search and information retrieval at Bouvet ASA.
With his background in mathematics he has a unique chance to explore the intersection between mathematics, computer science and art. Anders works under the restriction that his works should seem immediately complex, or even chaotic, but that the concepts they encompass should be easily understandable when explained. The generative algorithms Anders works with are often inspired by shapes and patterns in nature, but he also draws inspiration from more abstract mathematical concepts.
Anders has always been an aesthetic, which combines very well with his interest in mathematics and computer science—where aesthetics and elegance tend to be driving forces. In addition to this he greatly appreciates balance. Whether it is in composition and form, or in colors and contrasts.
From April 28th to July 6th, six of Anders’ works were on display as part of a dual exhibition at -kunstplass5—A project space for contemporary art—in Oslo. Anders was one of a few people selected from among over 70 applications submitted to the gallery.