Jakob Kilian, Niklas Isselburg
While digital Data in the form of binary codes was primarily transferred through cables at the turn of the millennium, we are currently confronted with a rise of wireless networks. Air as a transmitting material is taking over. Invisible to our eyes and capable of travelling unimaginable distances due to the seemingly freedom from materiality, data surrounds us everywhere and always.
Binary Talk about to the traditional form of long distance communication of smoke signs. The Language transmitted however is that of computers. The installation wants to create awareness as to how much data and information constantly surrounds us and makes the „Ones and Zeros“ perceivable to the observer.
In the installation Binairy Talk air serves as the transmitting medium for binary code, as a carrier of data and information across a distance. While wireless networks use radio technology to transfer data, Binairy Talk transmits data by moving air. The air is made visible and measurable with small particles of fog. The sender or source of the impulse is a loudspeaker which generates an impulse in the air that surpasses space in the shape of a vortex ring, before being received and interpreted by a laser equipped sensor on the other side.
Jakob Kilian
I’m an Interaction Designer. Since 2012 I’m studying Integrated Design at Köln International School of Design, where I already finished a few intense and inspiring Projects . What really drives me, is using the power of design to make complex circumstances and interconnections visible, tangible and comprehensible. For example it is possible to create new Information and an added value individual for the observer, by linking and mashing multiple data sets together. To realise that, I use visualisations, sonifications and interactive Installations.
Niklas Isselburg
I’m a cologne based designer. Currently I’m doing a BA in Integrated Design at Köln International School of Design. After finishing my first study, economics by the way, I worked a couple of years for a market research company with the focus on social media research and usability testing. Regarding the field of design my focus is on interaction- and webdesign. In my projects I like to concern myself with topics like physical computing, the interface of analog and digital systems and the visualization of datasets.